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Selenium Java Webdriver Framework
Introduction to Selenium
Selenium Components (8:36)
Selenium IDE Installation (4:28)
Selenium IDE
Selenium IDE Record & Playback (14:29)
Selenium IDE Common Commands (25:15)
Building & Running Test Cases (10:24)
Building & Running Test Suites (8:53)
Test Cases & Suites Export (8:56)
Using JavaScript and Variables in Selenium IDE (10:57)
Run Selenium IDE Test Case On Google Chrome (14:43)
Selenium Builder
Installation & Test Script Creation (10:13)
Test Execution with Dynamic Test Data (9:00)
Test Execution & Changes (9:51)
Java Development Environment Setup
Java Installation (11:32)
IntelliJ IDEA Installation (16:40)
Apache Maven Installation (14:32)
Java Basic Programming
Important Concepts in Java Programming (30:35)
Simple Maven Program - Hello World (12:05)
Java Data Type String (27:08)
Java Programming and Data Types (56:32)
Java Primitive Numeric Data Type (23:56)
Java Programming - Operators Presentation (22:11)
Java Operators (18:23)
Java Data Type Conversion (20:49)
Java Input Data From Console (11:00)
In Class Lecture Files
Java Programming - Decision Making
Java Conditional Statement - If Else and ? Operator (14:57)
Java Conditional Statement - If- Else If - Else If- Else (7:43)
Java Conditional Statement - Switch (12:26)
Java Decision Making Switch Advanced Statement (8:23)
Java Decision Making - Nested If Statement (6:58)
In Class Lecture Files
Java Programming - Loop
While Loop (11:15)
Do While Loop (15:23)
For Loop (10:05)
Nested For Loop (10:28)
Infinite Loop & Break (8:18)
In Class Files
Java Command Line Argument
Java Passing Command Line Argument (14:25)
Java Passing Argument With Key Value Options Example 1 (20:56)
Java Passing Argument With Key Value Options Example 2 (18:11)
Java Data Structures
Array (24:48)
Array List (14:50)
Array List Advanced (9:39)
Set (8:31)
Collections (7:35)
Vector (11:47)
Map (Dictionary) (12:19)
Enum Type (10:06)
Linked List (9:58)
Queue (7:37)
Stack (10:32)
In Class Lecture Files
Java Date Time
Date Time Manipulation (20:17)
Java Joda Datetime Advanced Usage (15:52)
Java Datetime Convert To Unix Date Time Format (10:32)
Java Regular Expression
Regular Expression Pattern & Matcher (22:02)
Java Selenium Webdriver Console Application Development
Java Selenium Webdriver Test Case Automation Console Application Introduction (4:07)
Java Selenium Webdriver Test Case Automation Console Application UI Verification (8:51)
Java Selenium Webdriver Test Case Automation Console Application Test Case (11:08)
Java Selenium Webdriver Test Case Automation Console Application Environment Setup (12:58)
Java Selenium Webdriver Test Case Automation Console Application Java Code (32:58)
Homework - Automation Scenarios Using Selenium Java WebDriver
In Class LectureFiles
Java Class & Interface
Java Class Concepts (22:09)
Java Class & Constructor Creation (19:35)
Java Class Constructor Advanced (15:20)
Java Class Constructor Advanced Code Demo (18:31)
Java Class Encapsulation (14:24)
Java Class Polymorphism (8:39)
Java Class Polymorphism Explanation Two (6:37)
Defining Functions Methods in Java Class (13:46)
Exceptions Handling in Java Class (17:25)
Java Class Method Overloading (9:04)
Java Class Method Overriding (7:51)
Java Class Inheritance (11:56)
Java Inner Class (7:49)
Java Interface (12:44)
Java Multi Threading (11:42)
In Class Lecture Files
Homework - Selenium WebDriver Test Automation with Test Data Object Creation
Java File Input Output
Create File In Java (15:26)
Delete a File In Java (8:04)
Create a Directory in Java (9:30)
List Files in Java (10:13)
String Builder in Java (10:22)
Read Text File Using FileReader & BufferedReader in Java (9:43)
Create File - Rename Existing File in Java (7:09)
Read Text File Using Input Stream Reader in Java (13:54)
Read Line Number Using Line Number Reader in Java (13:36)
Read Webpage URL Content Using InputStream in Java (15:06)
Write To File Using RandomAccessFile in Java (10:40)
Create Text File With Text Content in Java (15:14)
Write Text File Using FileWriter & BufferedWriter in Java (13:38)
Class - Interface-MultiThreading-WebDriver-In-Class-Files
Selenium WebDriver Test Data Object Examples
Class Inheritance Examples
Class Interface Examples
Class MultiThreading Examples
Read Write HTML File
Parse HTML File in Java (12:04)
Write HTML File in Java (16:34)
Read Write CSV File
Read CSV File in Java (15:31)
Write CSV File in Java (22:41)
Read Write XML File
Read XML File in Java (26:27)
Write XML File in Java (16:04)
Read Write JSON File
Read JSON File in Java (21:10)
Write JSON File in Java (15:57)
Read Write Excel File
Read Excel File Using Apache POI Libraries in Java (27:25)
Write Excel File Using Apache POI Libraries in Java (20:41)
Read Write PDF File
Read/Parse PDF File Using Apache PdfBox Library
Write PDF File Using Apache PdfBox Library
Java Selenium WebDriver Automation Homework 7
Java JUnit Framework
JUnit Basic Demo (26:50)
JUnit Parameterization (10:34)
JUnit Test Runner
JUnit WebDriver Basic Framework Demo (15:54)
JUnit WebDriver Advanced Framework Demo (37:37)
Java TestNG Framework
Java TestNG Framework Introduction (14:40)
Java TestNG Basic Framework Demo (22:39)
Java TestNG Framework Test Assertion (7:26)
Java TestNG Parameterized Test With DataProvider (18:58)
Java TestNG WebDriver Advanced Framework (24:01)
Java TestNG Framework Data Provider Demo2 (12:32)
Running Java TestNG with XML Test Suite Definition (10:21)
Run TestNG Framework Class With Command Line (9:34)
Orange HRM Demo Site UI Automation Code
Orange HRM Test Cases
Test Case Automation Source Codes
Restful API Testing in Java
Introduction To Restful API & Testing (31:05)
Test RESTful API with HttpGet-HttpPost-HttpPut-HttpDelete Methods (35:25)
Test RESTFul API With API Call (20:18)
Test RESTFul API With JUnit Framework (11:51)
Test RESTFul API Against UI With JUnit Framework (16:33)
Java Read Configuration File
App Config Utility - Read Config File (32:07)
Java Read YAML Config File (16:38)
Database Testing in Java
SQL Server Management Studio & MySQL Workbench&Oracle SQL Developer (20:15)
Get Database Info From Configuration File in Java (17:34)
Database Connection Manager in Java (17:17)
Read Write To Database Tables in Java (33:15)
Database Testing TestNG Framework (13:19)
UI Automation Framework - Page Element Model
Base Page - Login Page - Login Page Element (15:35)
Common Page-CommonPageElement- AdminDashboardPage-AdminDashboardPageElement (5:51)
PageUtility-TestResultGenerator-TestRunner-CommandLineRunner (22:53)
UI Automation Framework - Page Object Model
Page Object Model - Tutorial One (11:58)
Page Object Model - Tutorial Two (13:55)
Page Object Model - Tutorial Three (14:29)
Page Object Model Framework Another Example
BDD Framework - Cucumber Test Framework
Introduction To Cucumber BDD Test Framework (13:12)
Cucumber Framework Plug-In Installation - Feature & Step Definitions Creation (17:29)
Cucumber Framework Login Test Case Implementation (14:16)
Cucumber Framework Data Driven Login Test Case Implementation (13:09)
Cucumber Framework Browser Compatibility Test Implementation (12:15)
Cucumber Framework Database Testing (6:53)
Cucumber Framework API Testing (8:52)
Send Email In Java
Send Email With/Without Attachments (13:27)
Java Log4j Logging
Log Information using log4j in Java (11:06)
Selenium WebDriver Advanced Actions
Selenium WebDriver Advanced Actions Introduction Video (13:18)
Selenium WebDriver Advanced Actions Code Demo (8:02)
Alert Dismiss
Alert Accept
Date Picker
Drag & Drop
Drag & Drop Resize
Handle Menu
Tinymce Editor
Bonus Contents
Read JSON with Google Gson Library
Read JSON With Jackson Object Mapper
Write XML With Jackson Object Mapper
Google Gson - FasterXML Jackson Library Dependency
Software Deployment & Version Controls & Continuous Integration
Software Deployment-Continuous Integration-Source Control Concepts (33:18)
Defining Functions Methods in Java Class
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